on Init --startMovie Global ClipLoc,CpBnList,IDVar,CrdMaxNum,CredBarIncr,CpSdList,CpVidList, ¬ CpUtilList,CpPhtList,CpAnmList,DownLoad,Order,TestDrive,Addinfo,¬ VolumeVar Set DownLoad = "Quadra 800:Desktop Folder:RHintrfc:dwnld.pic" Set Order = "Quadra 800:Desktop Folder:RHintrfc:order.pic" Set TestDrive = "Quadra 800:Desktop Folder:RHintrfc:tstdrv.pic" Set Addinfo = "Quadra 800:Desktop Folder:RHintrfc:Addinfo.txt" Set ClipLoc = 235 Set the volume of sound 1 to 200 Set VolumeVar = 200 Set the forecolor of cast "NameField" = 0 Set the textStyle of field "NameField" = "bold,extend" --Put " " into cast "Help Screen Display" -- not currently used --Set the forecolor of cast "Help Screen Display" = 0 --Set the textStyle of field "Help Screen Display" = "bold,extend" Put " " into field "CreditsInfoDisplay" Set CpBnList = [1:0,2:0,3:0,4:0,5:0] -- Clip Button List Set IDVar = 0 Set CrdMaxNum = 11 -- No of credits minus original display of 5 Set CredBarIncr = 11 -- total distance (125 pix) divided by CrdMaxNum Set CpAnmList= ["B&W 3.1","Liftoff","Exclamation Point","Dollar Sign",¬ "B&W 3.1","Liftoff","Exclamation Point","Dollar Sign",¬ "B&W 3.1","Liftoff","Exclamation Point","Dollar Sign"] Set CpPhtList= ["Photo 1","Photo 2","Photo 3","Photo 4"] Set CpSdList = ["Read My Lips","Moof","Read My Lips","Moof"] Set CpVidList = ["B&W 3.1","Liftoff","Exclamation Point","Dollar Sign",¬ "B&W 3.1","Liftoff","Exclamation Point","Dollar Sign",¬ "B&W 3.1","Liftoff","Exclamation Point","Dollar Sign"] Set CpUtilList = ["Utility 1","Utility 2","Utility 3","Utility 4"] end Init --startMovie --------------------------------------------- on CpAnmInit Global ButtonNum,ScaleFac,ListVar,CpAnmList,Viztype puppetSprite 25, False -- PhtPictDisplay puppetSprite 40, False puppetSprite 41, False -- VidPictDisplay Set ButtonNum = 1 Set ScaleFac = 10 Set ListVar = CpAnmList Set Viztype = 2 --Set the visibility of sprite 30 to False -- tweak ClipCleanUp CpBnUpdate --change orderof sprite action & slider reset-update VidPictDisplay end CpAnmInit --------------------------------------------- on CpPhtInit Global ButtonNum,ScaleFac,ListVar,CpPhtList,Viztype puppetSprite 25, False puppetSprite 40, False puppetSprite 41, False Set ButtonNum = 2 Set ScaleFac = 40 Set ListVar = CpPhtList Set Viztype = 1 -- f/ slider update of screen ClipCleanUp CpBnUpdate PictDisplay end CpPhtInit --------------------------------------------- on CpSdInit Global ButtonNum,ScaleFac,ListVar,CpSdList,Viztype puppetSprite 25, False puppetSprite 40, False puppetSprite 41, False Set ButtonNum = 3 Set ScaleFac = 30 Set ListVar = CpSdList Set Viztype = 0 ClipCleanUp CpBnUpdate end CpSdInit --------------------------------------------- on CpVidInit Global ButtonNum,ScaleFac,ListVar,CpVidList,Viztype puppetSprite 25, False puppetSprite 40, False puppetSprite 41, False Set ButtonNum = 4 Set ScaleFac = 10 Set ListVar = CpVidList Set Viztype = 2 ClipCleanUp CpBnUpdate VidPictDisplay end CpVidInit --------------------------------------------- on CpUtilInit Global ButtonNum,ScaleFac,ListVar,CpUtilList,Viztype puppetSprite 25, False puppetSprite 40, False puppetSprite 41, False Set ButtonNum = 5 Set ScaleFac = 40 Set ListVar = CpUtilList Set Viztype = 0 ClipCleanUp CpBnUpdate end CpUtilInit --------------------------------------------- on SpriteShutDown puppetSprite 48, False -- ? temp button ch. poss. yel crdts bn in credits puppetSprite 47, False -- help button, puppetSprite 46, False -- vol slider puppetSprite 45, False -- backplate f/ vol slider puppetSprite 41, False puppetSprite 40, False puppetSprite 39, False puppetSprite 38, False puppetSprite 37, False puppetSprite 36, False puppetSprite 35, False -- slider puppetSprite 34, False -- win bar puppetSprite 32, False -- up arrow puppetSprite 31, False -- dwn arrow,zoom puppetSprite 30, False -- video puppetSprite 25, False -- text,pict photo --puppetSprite 23, False -- vol. Icon -- only shut down at end - ? end SpriteShutDown --------------------------------------------- on ClipCleanUp puppetSound 0 put "" into field "NameField" end ClipCleanUp --------------------------------------------- on ButtonHandler Global Go Set Go = True Set n = the castnum of sprite the clickon Set n = n + 1 repeat while the mouseDown If ((the castNum of sprite the clickOn) = the mouseCast) then Set the castnum of sprite the clickon = n updateStage else -- Set the castnum of sprite the clickon = n - 1 updateStage Set Go = False if the mouseUp then Set Go = 0 else if ((the castNum of sprite the clickOn) = the mouseCast) then Set the castnum of sprite the clickon = n --rollbkon updateStage Set Go = 1 end if end if end repeat Set n = n - 1 Set the castnum of sprite the clickon = n end ButtonHandler --------------------------------------------- on MusicFade sound fadeOut 1, 2*60 end MusicFade --------------------------------------------- on HelpEnable puppetSprite 47, True Set the locH of sprite 47 = 116 Set the locV of sprite 47 = 334 Set the castNum of sprite 47 = 345 -- Help Down updateStage --HelpDisplay end HelpEnable --------------------------------------------- on HelpDisable puppetSprite 47, False -- the button puppetSprite 48, False -- the display updateStage --go to marker (-1) end HelpDisable --------------------------------------------- on SliderHandler Global ClipLoc --SpriteShutDown repeat while the mouseDown puppetSprite 37, true -- 37 Set the castNum of sprite 37 to 198 Set the moveableSprite of sprite 37 to True Set the constraint of sprite 37 to 36 Set the locH of sprite 37 to the mouseH Set ClipLoc to the mouseH SliderReadOut updateStage end repeat LocStore end SliderHandler --------------------------------------------- on SliderUpdate Global ClipLoc puppetSprite 37, true Set the visible of sprite 37 = true Set the locH of sprite 37 = ClipLoc SliderReadOut updateStage end SliderUpdate --------------------------------------------- on SliderButton n Global ClipLoc,ScaleFac Set ClipLoc = ClipLoc + (n*ScaleFac) SliderReadOut LocStore end SliderButton --------------------------------------------- on SliderReadOut Global ClipLoc,ScaleFac,LocNum If ClipLoc > 353 then set ClipLoc = 353 If ClipLoc < 234 then set ClipLoc = 234 Put ((ClipLoc - 234)/ScaleFac) +1 into field "LocReadOut" Set LocNum = ((ClipLoc - 234)/ScaleFac) +1 --FieldReadOut -- can be re-enabled f/ continous but slow readout -- another ver tbd end SliderReadOut --------------------------------------------- on FieldReadOut Global CpSdList,ListVar,SoundName,CpVidList,LocNum,n --Set n = (charToNum(field "LocReadOut")) - 48 Set n = LocNum Set name = getAt(ListVar,n) Set the forecolor of cast "NameField" = 0 Set the textStyle of field "NameField" = "bold,extend" Put name into field "NameField" Set SoundName = field "NameField" -- name is used to access sound end FieldReadOut --------------------------------------------- on LocStore Global ClipLoc,ButtonNum,CpBnList,ScaleFac,LocNum Set m = LocNum -- (field "LocReadOut") setAt(CpBnList,ButtonNum,m) -- stores in CpBnList the loc. of slider Set the locH of sprite 37 = (m*ScaleFac) +234 end Locstore --------------------------------------------- on VisualDisplay Global Viztype If Viztype = 1 then PictDisplay else if Viztype = 2 then VidPictDisplay end if end Visual Diplay --------------------------------------------- on PictDisplay Global LocNum PuppetSprite 25, True Set the castNum of sprite 25 = 500 + LocNum updateStage end PictDisplay --------------------------------------------- on VidPictDisplay Global LocNum PUT LocNum PuppetSprite 41, True Set the castNum of sprite 41 = 425 + LocNum updateStage end VidPictDisplay --------------------------------------------- on MagnfPlus Global LocNum PuppetSprite 40, True PuppetSprite 25, True Set the castNum of sprite 40 = 164 -- icon Set the castNum of sprite 25 = 600 + LocNum-- pict Set the locH of sprite 25 = 415 Set the locV of sprite 25 = 188 updateStage end MagnfPlus --------------------------------------------- on MagnfMinus Global LocNum PuppetSprite 40, True PuppetSprite 25, True Set the castNum of sprite 40 = 162 Set the castNum of sprite 25 = 500 + LocNum -- pict Set the locH of sprite 25 = 328 Set the locV of sprite 25 = 127 updateStage end MagnfMinus --------------------------------------------- on ClipSndPlay Global SoundName puppetSound SoundName updateStage end ClipSndPlay --------------------------------------------- on IntroVid Global VolumeVar Set the castNum of sprite 30 = 401 preload 401 Set the movieRate of sprite 30 to 1 Set the volume of sprite 30 = VolumeVar --Set the visibility of sprite 30 to True if the preload of cast 401 then repeat while the movieRate of sprite 30 updateStage if the mouseDown then exit end repeat end if end IntroVid --------------------------------------------- on VidHandler Global VolumeVar,n,IntroVid --Set vidcast = 400 + n Set the castNum of sprite 30 = 400 + n preload 400 + n Set the movieRate of sprite 30 to 1 Set the volume of sprite 30 = VolumeVar Set the visibility of sprite 30 to True repeat while the movieRate of sprite 30 updateStage if the mouseDown then exit end repeat --Set the visibility of sprite 30 to False --end if end VidHandler --------------------------------------------- on CpBnUpdate Global ClipLoc,ScaleFac,ButtonNum Put 120/ScaleFac into field "TotalItems" -----------PUT ButtonNum Set n = getAt(CpBnList,ButtonNum) -----------PUT n puppetSprite 37, true -- slider Set the castNum of sprite 37 = 198 -- or put 198 off screen at prev. marker Set the locH of sprite 37 = (n*ScaleFac) + 234 Set the LocV of sprite 37 = 344 --Set the constraint of sprite 37 to 36 updateStage Set ClipLoc = (the locH of sprite 37) -1 -- trace Set the forecolor of cast "NameField" = 0 Set the textStyle of field "NameField" = "bold,extend" SliderReadOut FieldReadOut updateStage end CpBnUpdate --------------------------------------------- on VolumeHandler Global VolumeVar repeat while the mouseDown puppetSprite 23, True Set the castNum of sprite 23 = 97 -- backpanel Set the locH of sprite 23 to 19 Set the locV of sprite 23 = 317 puppetSprite 45, True Set the castNum of sprite 45 = 214 -- track Set the locH of sprite 45 to 19 Set the locV of sprite 45 to 316 puppetSprite 46, True Set the castNum of sprite 46 to 95 -- slider Set the moveableSprite of sprite 46 to True Set the constraint of sprite 46 to 45 Set the locH of sprite 46 to 22 Set the locV of sprite 46 to the mouseV Put ((the mouseV - 320)*-6)+250 into VolumeVar If VolumeVar > 255 then set VolumeVar = 255 If VolumeVar < 0 then set VolumeVar = 0 Set the volume of sound 1 to VolumeVar updateStage end repeat puppetSprite 23, false puppetSprite 45, false puppetSprite 46, false end VolumeHandler --------------------------------------------- on VolumeIcon Global VolumeVar puppetSprite 23, True Set the locV of sprite 23 to 334 If VolumeVar < 5 then set the castNum of sprite 23 = 144 else set the castNum of sprite 23 = 146 + 2*(integer(VolumeVar/64)) end if updateStage end VolumeIcon --------------------------------------------- on CredSclBnHandler n Global IDVar,CrdMaxNum ButtonHandler Set IDVar = IDVar + n If IDVar < 0 then Set IDVar = 0 exit --set IDVar = 0 end if If IDVar > CrdMaxNum then set IDVar = CrdMaxNum exit end if CreditsUpdate n WindowBarUpdate end CredSclBnHandler --------------------------------------------- on CreditsUpdate n Global IDVar repeat with i = 35 to 39 PuppetSprite i, True end repeat repeat with i = 35 to 39 Set the castNum of sprite i = (the castNum of sprite i) + n end repeat updateStage end CreditsUpdate --------------------------------------------- on WindowBarUpdate Global IDVar,CredBarIncr puppetSprite 34, True Set the locV of sprite 34 = 48 + IDVar*CredBarIncr updateStage end WindowBarUpdate --------------------------------------------- on InfoBnHandler n Global IDVar puppetSprite 48, False ButtonHandler Set var = 300 + n + IDVar If var = 315 then CprtHandler else ---PUT var Set the forecolor of cast "CreditsInfoDisplay" = 0 Set the textStyle of field "CreditsInfoDisplay" = "bold,extend" Set the text of field "CreditsInfoDisplay" to the text of cast var --PUT the text of field "CreditsInfoDisplay" --Set the text of field "CreditsInfoDisplay" = the text of cast var -- text rel. to cast no. & sprite no. (the locV of sprite n) end if end InfoBnHandler --------------------------------------------- on CprtHandler -- copyright puppetSprite 48, true Set the castNum of sprite 48 = 315 Set the locH of sprite 48 = 400 Set the locH of sprite 48 = 431 updateStage end CprtHandler --============================================================== --if ((the castNum of sprite the clickOn) = the mouseCast) then --Set the castnum of sprite the clickon = n --updateStage --end if ---------------if not IsInside then --Set the castnum of sprite the clickon = n - 1 --updateStage --Set Go = False --exit repeat ---------else if IsInside and not Go then -----------Set the castnum of sprite the clickon = n -----------updateStage -----------Set Go = true ---------------------------------------------------------------- --Set the puppet of sprite 48 to True -- button --Set the locH of sprite 48 = 599 --Set the locV of sprite 48 = 304 --Set the castNum of sprite 48 = 173 --updateStage --Set the puppet of sprite 33 to True -- bar --Set the castNum of sprite 33 = 202 --Set the locH of sprite 33 = 542 --Set the locV of sprite 33 = 170 --Set the puppet of sprite 25 to True -- text --Set the castNum of sprite 25 = 200 --Set the locH of sprite 25 = 211 --Set the locV of sprite 25 = -226 --updateStage --on mouseDown --Set sprite 48,True --Set the locH of sprite 48 = --Set the locV of sprite 48 = --Set the castNum of sprite 48 = --update stage --end mouseDown --on mouseUp --Set the castNum of sprite 48 = 133 --Set sprite 48,False --end mouseUp --Set the visible of sprite 25 = false --Put ClipLoc - 234 into field "LocDisplay" --Set the visible of sprite 24 = true --updateStage --puppetSprite 23, false --puppetSprite 45, false --puppetSprite 46, false --------PUT "______________" --------PUT VolumeVar --------PUT integer(VolumeVar/64) --------PUT the castNum of sprite 23 - 146 --------PUT the castNum of sprite 23